We are happy to announce the listing of $XYO. Starting on Friday, 17th January 2025, at 12 PM CET. LCX Exchange will support the $XYO. Deposits will start on – Friday, 17th January 2025, at 12 PM CET. The trading pair $XYO / EUR will be listed.
What is $XYO?
The goal of the XYO Network is to create a trustless, decentralized system of location oracles that is resistant to attack and produces the highest certainty possible when queried for available data.
What makes XYO Network unique?
The XYO Network makes it possible for smart contracts to access the real world by using the XYO Network’s ecosystem of devices to determine if an object is at a specific XY-coordinate. If it is, one can set up applications which execute transactions in the smart contract.
What can XYO Network be used for?
This has opened up a new world of possibilities. The applications of such a technology are infinite. Take for example an eCommerce Company. With the XYO Network, they could now offer their premium customers payment-upon-delivery services. To be able to offer this service, the eCommerce company would leverage the XYO Network (which uses XYO Tokens) to write a smart contract.
The XYO Network could then track the location of the package being sent to the consumer along every single step of fulfillment; from the warehouse shelf to the shipping courier, all the way into the consumer’s house and every location in between. This could enable eCommerce retailers and websites to verify, in a trustless way, that the package not only appeared on the customer’s doorstep, but also safely inside their home.
Users can sign up for an LCX Account here
Start Trading $XYO
Launch LCX ExchangeDeposits: Deposits open on Friday, 17th January 2025, at 12 PM CET
Pair Listing Details:
$XYO /EUR starting on Friday, 17th January 2025, at 12 PM CET
How to deposit $XYO?
Go to LCX Accounts > Wallet
Scroll down to $XYO.
Click on the “Deposit” tab next to $XYO.
Your deposit address will be displayed on the screen.
Send $XYO to this address.

Important Note:
Trading cryptocurrency is complex and comes with a high risk of losing money. You should carefully consider whether trading cryptocurrencies is right for you and take the time to learn how trading works and decide how much money you are prepared to lose. This content is not financial advice and should not form the basis of any financial investment decisions nor be seen as a recommendation to buy or sell any good or product.